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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Location: Q Power Station, Shangri-La mall
Guitar Freaks Version: 11th Mix
Play style:3.0x speed, Position Type-F, rest is default
Good moments: Meeting PPF master, getting some thoughts from him
Bad moments: Failing songs, tried out a new technique but I still need imrpovement
Songs played: Taisetsu na mono, "Lulvy, Merry-Go-Round", Sobakasu, Break Down, Inifinite, Russian Roulette, super "shomin" car, Twinkle Star and many more

This entry is created to make up for the "missed" entries I was supposed to make. You can say I was forgetful during a lot of things.

The recent one I can remember is that I met the PPF master and showed him some insights. He told me to master the up-down strum/pick. I think I met him on one Saturday before I left for home. I tried it on Taisetsu na mono today and I almost killed myself. I failed in Russian Roulette as well while trying the up-down strum/pick.

What I need to master is the "perfect" strum/pick position. I got used to down picking too much!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Location: Q Power Station, Shangri-La Mall
Guitar Freaks Version: 11th Mix
Play style: 3.0x speed, Position Type-F, rest is default
Good moments: Trying out some new songs, got an extra stage, playing the easy songs
Bad moments: Sucked at Infinite (at 24??? WHY?!?!?!?), bad dare on mint candy citrus drop (did I get that right?), bad performance due to aching hand and wrist
Songs played: Sobakasu, Twinkle Star, Sa-Da-Me, Diamonds, Yake no Gahara, mint candy citrus drop (did I get that right?), Daikenkai, Break-Down, Infinite, Russian Roule and other songs

I got my chance to play GF 11th Mix. Well, you can say I had good times and bad times. I managed to play Break-Down and add it to my list of songs. I tried Infinite at Advanced 24 and I sucked! What is wrong with me? I managed to get an extra and I think I used it for my first time in Infinite or Break-Down. Can't recall...

When I decided to try minty candy citrus drop, I was bewildered in the part where I have to pick too rapidly! Iwas able to clear it but at a bad state. :(

Oh well, in my last batch of music, I began to notice a decline in my skills. I think I overdid myself and ached my picking hand real good.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Location: Q Power Station, Shagri-La Mall
Guitar Freaks Version: 11th Mix
Play style: 3.0x speed, Position Type-F
Good moments: Passing some songs, changing position type
Bad moments: Failing some songs
Songs played: Sobakasu, "Luvly, Merry-Go-Round", and other I have forgotten and some with Japanese titles I'm not familiar with

Well, it seems I forgot what I did on this day. All I remember I played with Position Type-F, no judgement signs and combo meter. I also remmeber I played a lot of times and had the Eat-All-You-Can Yakisoba from Tokyo Tokyo that I almost barfed at my third bowl.

Sorry. A case of memory block (it ain't for the PSOne, okay?).

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